Thursday, July 7, 2016


I know that I am blessed
That is a matter of fact
But my life (mind) is still a mess
It's just a balancing act
I want more I must confess
Must stop living in the past
weighing what is important and not
It's all just a balancing act
So the good old days are over
Stop living in the past
Be thankful for what you have
Cause life goes by so damn fast

Nothing is black and white
Many causes create one effect
I often spend time by myself - so I can reflect


My life was hard and not the best
But also not the worst
And I deep down truly know that
I've been fucked but I'm also so lucky

I could be a refugee - living in a third world country
I could have been molested or physically abused
But it also could've been so much better
Either way I ended up strong but also bruised

It comes down to living one day at a time
Thank you Mom & Dad for giving me life
Thank you Mother for having my back
And teaching me that it is all a balancing act


[saw a man I'd never met - lying in his casket
felt so odd being in his house
his live's over - mine is still left
made me think about the hear and now
and about what is important
because one day that will be me
gosh Jonsona sing about something happy]

From the Jonsona album - Whisper Angel
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2016tm

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