Thursday, July 7, 2016


Dancing light out of the corner of my eye
I've grown tired of asking why
All of the answers come after we die
But I still want to know while I'm alive

All flirtatious coy side glances
Doesn't guarantee any second chances
So I humble myself to the lord and you
Whisper in my ear - tell me what to do

Dancing orb, like a pocket of light
In my own little pocket of light
Give me more of your wisdom, insight
Help me find my second sight
Dancing light with the rhythm of love
Spinning wings from heaven above
Before you merge with the flowing river
I'm ready for your angel whisper



I'll give you my ego - I'll give you my money
I'll give you my trust - I'll give up my lust
Put my faith in our Christ Jesus
So dancing light can share its genius

I'm ready now - my soul's legs are spread
impregnate me with your all knowing wisdom
If that's too much - I'll settle for this
Your angel whisper - your lyrical kiss


Lord Jesus - Help me to see the light
The darkness - help me to fight
Dancing light - help me find my way
I need your angel whisper - now I will pray


I am stubborn - independent
But I am also still an infant
I pretend that I have all of the answers
But much that I have learned is from the human cancer

I don't mean to insult your creation
But the human race - we need salvation
So dancing orb like a pocket of light
Give me some of your wisdom - insight


From the Jonsona album - Whisper Angel
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2016tm

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