Thursday, July 7, 2016


Please she said don't forget my daughter
Outside of the church entryway
You will always be my pretty bird
A thousand pound weight on my heart that day
It's been five years since your soul crossed over
Camouflaged the pain as best as I could
Time has healed but I never forget you
I promised your mother and I never would


I go on and on how the world is a mess
Corruption lies politics - the usual b.s.
But this song is about my beautiful friend
So this time I will digress

It seems like a hundred thousand years ago
At the same time just like yesterday
Singin' Marilyn Monroe songs to you all tipsy
 I long for your voice sayin' hey girl heyyy

Standing on the porch of BFG May 14th
One of the darkest moments of my life
Your soul was as bright as the mid day sunshine
Horrible accident during the night time


From the Jonsona album - Whisper Angel
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2016tm

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