Thursday, July 7, 2016


(chorus 1)
I need to sleep but there's a ghost of you there
Sometimes brings me pain
But doesn't make me scared
Can't get to sleep cause there's a ghost of you there
Just a faded memory - It just isn't fair


I step out of myself sometimes
and go, how did I get here
To this place, I am in life
Many lessons and some fear

I need to sleep but I can't
Perpetual insomniac
Ghosts of the past keep haunting me
I close my eyes but I still see

(chorus 1)
(chorus 2)
I need to sleep but there's a ghost of you there
Disembodied voices
But doesn't bring me fear
I can't get to sleep cause there's a ghost of you there
Just a fallen entity - Life isn't fair

Is that you in my peripheral sight
Is that you hovering over me - mysterious ball of light
So many lovers - dead and alive
But only one still haunts me at night... Bryan
And then friends and family
Familiar smells and sounds - brings it all back to me

You are more than just rotting flesh
I feel your energy - I see your silhouette
So many gone for so long - but I still hear your spectral song

Emma Jean - Mike Herring - Violet - Aunt Betty
Overton, Robert - Wayne - Earl and Somber
Justice - Liz (Pretty Bird) - Atlas and Mabel - Linda
Miriam and Richard - Ryder - Lucas Kadel
Notter, Jimmy - Lonnie - Michael - Steve and Jeffery
Stepp, Douglas - Ralphie and Casey
Many more not to forget
Life goes on but you can bet
That eerie feeling in the air - is a ghost of you there

Step outside of myself sometimes and go
How did I get here - to this place I am in life
I've learned my lessons - no more fear

I need to sleep but I can't
Still the perpetual insomniac
As ghosts of the past keep haunting me
I close my eyes and I still see


From the Jonsona album - Whisper Angel
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2016tm

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Lyrics for "Whisperlude" are available with single track on Jonsona's ReverbNation Website

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