Thursday, July 7, 2016


Dancing light out of the corner of my eye
I've grown tired of asking why
All of the answers come after we die
But I still want to know while I'm alive

All flirtatious coy side glances
Doesn't guarantee any second chances
So I humble myself to the lord and you
Whisper in my ear - tell me what to do

Dancing orb, like a pocket of light
In my own little pocket of light
Give me more of your wisdom, insight
Help me find my second sight
Dancing light with the rhythm of love
Spinning wings from heaven above
Before you merge with the flowing river
I'm ready for your angel whisper



I'll give you my ego - I'll give you my money
I'll give you my trust - I'll give up my lust
Put my faith in our Christ Jesus
So dancing light can share its genius

I'm ready now - my soul's legs are spread
impregnate me with your all knowing wisdom
If that's too much - I'll settle for this
Your angel whisper - your lyrical kiss


Lord Jesus - Help me to see the light
The darkness - help me to fight
Dancing light - help me find my way
I need your angel whisper - now I will pray


I am stubborn - independent
But I am also still an infant
I pretend that I have all of the answers
But much that I have learned is from the human cancer

I don't mean to insult your creation
But the human race - we need salvation
So dancing orb like a pocket of light
Give me some of your wisdom - insight


From the Jonsona album - Whisper Angel
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2016tm


Don't get me wrong
I like some good tits and ass
Maybe even a muscular hairy chest - dominating me
Depending on my mood, right big man?

Some good old fashioned intercourse
Ecstasy in its highest form?
Well, been there done that
Now I'll be your mind whore

I'm moist for your mind, baby
We can talk naked if you want
But intellectually - lick it, stick it - to my mind
Experience with carnal romance
I am not a stranger
And many casual encounters
Put my life in danger

I swallowed seed now I swallow pills
My need for live porn is now chill
Now what really gets me hot
Is listening to you talk

I'm moist for you - tell me what to do
Anticipation - no hesitation
Carnal desire overrated
I'm moist for your clever (witty) conversation


Mental copulation
My psyche quivers
Thrust your intellect into my ears
I know you can deliver

The sound of your voice makes me wet
You'll satisfy my needs I bet
Your uncanny ability - to make my underwear sticky

It's so easy to have sex
It doesn't take that much talent
But stimulating my hungry mind
You do so well, you so damn fine


Talk to me again - harder this time
And whatever you do - please don't stop
Harder faster - my cranium is throbbing
Ejaculate that intellect into me

I'm ready for more - I'm your mind whore
Dominate me with your dialogue
I'm the bull - you're the matador

The sound of your brilliant voice and true love
 is what makes me wet
Fuck my mind, baby


From the Jonsona album - Whisper Angel
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2016tm


I know that I am blessed
That is a matter of fact
But my life (mind) is still a mess
It's just a balancing act
I want more I must confess
Must stop living in the past
weighing what is important and not
It's all just a balancing act
So the good old days are over
Stop living in the past
Be thankful for what you have
Cause life goes by so damn fast

Nothing is black and white
Many causes create one effect
I often spend time by myself - so I can reflect


My life was hard and not the best
But also not the worst
And I deep down truly know that
I've been fucked but I'm also so lucky

I could be a refugee - living in a third world country
I could have been molested or physically abused
But it also could've been so much better
Either way I ended up strong but also bruised

It comes down to living one day at a time
Thank you Mom & Dad for giving me life
Thank you Mother for having my back
And teaching me that it is all a balancing act


[saw a man I'd never met - lying in his casket
felt so odd being in his house
his live's over - mine is still left
made me think about the hear and now
and about what is important
because one day that will be me
gosh Jonsona sing about something happy]

From the Jonsona album - Whisper Angel
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2016tm


It's two things
The way the world is and the way that I am
It was never meant to work out for me I believe

I didn't exist before - but my parents had sex
And I won't exist again - as a human - death

I'm caring less and less what anybody thinks of me
Marking people off the list one by one
Pretty soon it'll just be down to God and I
My Whisper Angel on high

The truth is - I fit in nowhere
The truth is - I fit in nowhere


The straight world - I don't fit in there
The gay world - I don't fit in there either
Liberals - don't fit in there
Conservatives - I don't fit in there either

It was clear even in childhood and highschool
Nothing specific catered to me
Makes it so difficult to find my place
In this world - God, where the hell do I belong


I have begged of you to give me an answer
To give me a sign of where I belong
Why won't you answer me - give me a damn sign
Incessant stagnancy
Will you really not tell me until I die?

So now I guess I'll just live day to day
Not much joy just continuous lessons
Guess I'll be thankful for some of my blessings
God, your silence is almost deafening


From the Jonsona album - Whisper Angel
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2016tm


Guess I should've covered myself in barbed wire
World was full of criminals and liars
I miss talking to the spiders
Wanted to be a person everyone admired
Guess I should've aimed higher
I miss talking to the spiders


When I was 19 years old
Time to leave the nest so I left home
But a year or so before
In my closet was a trap door

Late at night I'd go downstairs
Talk to the spiders about my cares
Thinking how great all people would be
Didn't take long for me to see


Every time I look to the west
I left behind what could of been the best
Every time I look into the mirror
I say so why live in fear
Besides the end must be near

I was innocent - young and naive - I'll make everyone love me
Left home at 19 - went to big city - it became clear I wasn't ready
The first person I had sex with tried to kill me with HIV
Met the love of my life - together 3 years
But that led to damage and tears
In 2002 got a disease - in 2014 almost killed me
I made peace with myself - I grew up but now I'm lonely
Moved all over the whole country - running away from myself
Struggled to pay my own way
I fucked up alot - did the best I could - with what I had to work with
Not the best childhood - not the worst
Took me awhile for me to learn that most people fucking suck
As I got older - learned what was important
Family - love and self respect
I'm finally wise - now the world goes to hell
Can't be long now before it all ends
Now I miss talking to the spiders in the basement
Lifetime of struggles to make such progress
Only for the world to end
I'm on the edge - I'm ready to pledge
Allegiance to me - I want to be free


I am no longer a teenager
Getting pretty far along in years
My faith in humanity is long gone
I've learned so much through all of those years

Now I look back to all of those hours spent
In the basement talking to the spiders
If I only knew then what I know now
I could've saved myself from how things are now


Every time I look to the west
I left behind what could of been the best
Every time I see a basement
I miss talking to the spiders

From the Jonsona album - Whisper Angel
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2016tm


Please she said don't forget my daughter
Outside of the church entryway
You will always be my pretty bird
A thousand pound weight on my heart that day
It's been five years since your soul crossed over
Camouflaged the pain as best as I could
Time has healed but I never forget you
I promised your mother and I never would


I go on and on how the world is a mess
Corruption lies politics - the usual b.s.
But this song is about my beautiful friend
So this time I will digress

It seems like a hundred thousand years ago
At the same time just like yesterday
Singin' Marilyn Monroe songs to you all tipsy
 I long for your voice sayin' hey girl heyyy

Standing on the porch of BFG May 14th
One of the darkest moments of my life
Your soul was as bright as the mid day sunshine
Horrible accident during the night time


From the Jonsona album - Whisper Angel
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2016tm


(chorus 1)
I need to sleep but there's a ghost of you there
Sometimes brings me pain
But doesn't make me scared
Can't get to sleep cause there's a ghost of you there
Just a faded memory - It just isn't fair


I step out of myself sometimes
and go, how did I get here
To this place, I am in life
Many lessons and some fear

I need to sleep but I can't
Perpetual insomniac
Ghosts of the past keep haunting me
I close my eyes but I still see

(chorus 1)
(chorus 2)
I need to sleep but there's a ghost of you there
Disembodied voices
But doesn't bring me fear
I can't get to sleep cause there's a ghost of you there
Just a fallen entity - Life isn't fair

Is that you in my peripheral sight
Is that you hovering over me - mysterious ball of light
So many lovers - dead and alive
But only one still haunts me at night... Bryan
And then friends and family
Familiar smells and sounds - brings it all back to me

You are more than just rotting flesh
I feel your energy - I see your silhouette
So many gone for so long - but I still hear your spectral song

Emma Jean - Mike Herring - Violet - Aunt Betty
Overton, Robert - Wayne - Earl and Somber
Justice - Liz (Pretty Bird) - Atlas and Mabel - Linda
Miriam and Richard - Ryder - Lucas Kadel
Notter, Jimmy - Lonnie - Michael - Steve and Jeffery
Stepp, Douglas - Ralphie and Casey
Many more not to forget
Life goes on but you can bet
That eerie feeling in the air - is a ghost of you there

Step outside of myself sometimes and go
How did I get here - to this place I am in life
I've learned my lessons - no more fear

I need to sleep but I can't
Still the perpetual insomniac
As ghosts of the past keep haunting me
I close my eyes and I still see


From the Jonsona album - Whisper Angel
Written by Jonsona
Twentysouth Entertainment 2016tm

Click on "OLDER POSTS" to continue

Lyrics for "Whisperlude" are available with single track on Jonsona's ReverbNation Website